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MultiMod Manager 4.15

Multimod Manager 

Version: 4.15

Author: zero

Time for a detailed description.
- As usual mod manager (don't use this if u r not a multimod moderator).

New Features:
- Advanced lastmods and lastmaps
* During voting if you are getting short of choices then automatically lastmods and lastmaps will be included otherwise excluded.

- Blocking Maps
* Suppose your server crashed or you know that specific map is going to crash then you can exclude it (or them) from voting and choosing menu to avoid crash by 80% (remaining 20% depends whether you have installed the map with proper resources or not)
* If you are feeling to disable this feature you can see through the readme provided and recompile.

- Specific Access levels for sub menus of multimod main menu (can be changed).

- Code improvement and efficiency.
- Go through the "Readme" file provided for detailed explaination.
- You are free to edit anything.
- Don't make changes in sma until unless you are sure about them. I will not be responsible for that.
- Don't change the title name of pausecfg plugin otherwise it will not be added to amxmodx

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